20 February 2006
At least look like you care
Every four years, we (unlike most Americans) become glued to the TV. That's right the Winter Games are King in our house. Of course a lot of that has to do with that overwhelming need for L to watch Olympic Hockey ;) But as we were watching a medal ceremony last night something struck a nerve with me. Picture three men standing on podiums. Each one has a brand new shiny medal hanging around their neck. These medals mean that for your event (it happened to men's 1000m speed skating) not only are you the best in your country but for at least this race, the best in the world.

The thing that irritated me was the following facts: 1) The winner of the event, Shani Davis, doesn't train in the US or with the US team for which he skates. He trains in Calgary, Canada. 2) He is standing up on the medal stand, with the American national anthem playing, all he can do is stand there staring at his medal... not once does he crack a smile. And heaven forbid that he know the words to the anthem and sing along. It was like he was almost embarrassed to be seen up there with the American flag flying in his honor.

Now I don't care if you don't agree with the current political state of affairs in our country. But you go to the Olympics, you represent your country not just yourself. If you're so embarrassed to be American, apply for Canadian citizenship and stay up there for good. Otherwise at least look like you give a crap about your country.


Anonymous Anonymous said...
AMEN!!!! Have you also noticed how many athletes FROM the US don't know the words to the national anthem - there they are, supposedly THE athlete, best of the best, with THE medal and they can't even sing the nat'l anthem!! For cyrin' out loud, could we not just REQUIRE every athlete that qualifies for the Olympic Team be able to recite the words to the anthem before being allowed to go to the Olympics OR be disqualified as a competitor for just being plain stupid about such a basic idea. Oh, and about Mr. Davis . . . perhaps Canada doesn't want him either. :-))

Blogger Rhonda said...
AMEN Derek. I can't believe how rude Shani was. Did you see his interview with the reporter right after he won the race. He was awful. Then I saw on TV that his mother was so controlling that the networks fear saying anything about her because they're afraid she'll sue. Then I caught an interview with him where he was talking about how she used to make him run a mile a day when he was a kid. As Brian says, "the dude's messed up in the head".

Blogger A Room to Grow said...
I didn't see it but know what you are saying. I think the Olympics are about representing your country not yourself. Like that speed skater guy who wouldn't skate the team event so he could focus on his individual events. So selfish in my opinion.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
We don't want him here! An athlete should be proud to be from his/her respective country. We used to have a skiier...forget his name (won a gold medal in Torino). He couldn't make the training schedule work for his life style (whatever the hell that means), so he moved to Australia...whiner! They can keep him!

Blogger Jennefer said...
O.K. D- I am waiting for you to update your blog. I know you can find more stupidity in the universe.

I would comment on this post, but I haven't watched enough Olympics to say anything worthwhile. However, you have a good point!