21 October 2008
Evidently, Palin is NOT smarter than a 3rd grader
In an interview that Sarah Palin gave yesterday in Colorado, she received a question from a third grader asking: "What does the VP do?" In typical Palin fashion, she gave the completely wrong answer saying the "Vice President is in charge of the Senate." Uh, WRONG. Palin=FAIL on that one. While it is true that the VP presides over the Senate during ceremonial occasions, he or she is NOT in charge of the Senate. I think this quote from Senate Majority leader Harry Reid (D-NV) pretty much sums it all up:

"This comment is all the more puzzling because this is at least the 2nd time she
has said this. Gov Palin needs to re-read or perhaps read for the first time the
Constitution. While the Vice President presides over the Senate, he or she is
not in charge of it. Article 1 says The Vice President of the United States
shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no vote, unless they be equally

Here's the video:

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