17 July 2008
A Daring Comeback (or why I shouldn't watch Good Morning America)
Okay, stop having a heart attack that I am actually posting on this blog.  So I was watching Good Morning America this morning (I know, bad idea, not journalism, etc.) and they had a hard hitting report about which fad diet was best.  Low Carb vs. Low Fat vs. Mediterranean, blah, blah, blah.  The most successful dieter lost 12 lbs in two years.  TWO YEARS!  I call that statistical error.  Hey, you know what else works?  Put the fork down.  Oh, and also go for a walk once a while.  I don't care what diet you do, you'll never lose weight unless you have more calories going out than coming in.  Michael Pollan sums it up nicely in his book In Defense of Food: "Eat Food, not too much, mostly vegetables."  How hard is that?  There will never be some magic pill or mystery diet from the rain forest of Brazil that will make you thin.  It takes hard work and determination.  Maybe if you stopped driving to the mailbox, you could lose weight and stop "global warming" (a made up term, but that's a different post).

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Blogger Marthavmuffin said...
Wow you are back or are you? My husband is always railing against the hard hitting 'news' stories on those morning shows.

Your blog had me laughing out loud before and I bookmarked it long ago. Before I came today I was thinking I should remove you from my favorites..and there was your new post! Keep writing...