05 July 2006
Computers are GREAT
I blame this stupidity on the little gnomes inside the computer that randomly screw things up. Why is it that computer glitches that affect your work always happen when you're on vacation? All I wanted was a nice relaxing 4 day weekend and to come back to work refreshed. The 4 day weekend happened OK, but I came back to work to find sheer bedlam. Evidently the computer gnomes decided it would be fun to cause a glitch that would send out a bunch of emails and CC me on all of them. Not only did it copy me on over 500 emails, but a bunch of these emails went to agents telling them they didn't complete some computer based training and therefore would not be paid for their sales. Nothing will panic a commissioned salesperson faster than news that commissions have been affected. So here I thought I just might be able to get some work done today but instead I spent most of the day putting out fires. I am so glad that computers make our lives easier. Oh wait, half the time they just create more work. I think computers are conspiring against me and my plot for (slow) world domination.


Blogger Elle said...
mwwaaahhh!!! (rubbing hands together in a Montgomery Burns fashion) My secret plan to thwar Captain Smartypants plan for world domination is working.

(ok. note to self and others. Don't let Elle comment under the influence)

Blogger Elle said...
but I passed the word verification sobriety test! Woo Hoo!